La Table Ronde de l'Architecture (T.R.A.) is a non-profit association dedicated to the defence and teaching of beautiful, humane and enduring architecture.
Founded in December 2020 in Brussels by Nadia Everard and Noé Morin, the T.R.A. is based in Bruges since 2022.
Based on the observation that architecture is deteriorating by taking on the appearance of a standardised product, La Table Ronde de l'Architecture seeks to identify the causes of this deterioration in order to provide a theoretical solution (through its Thoughts) and a practical solution (through its Summer Schools, its Workshops, its Activities and Advice).
Since architecture and town planning are first and foremost the reflection of an era, La Table Ronde de l'Architecture makes a sustained effort to analyse the philosophical principles and 'secularised beliefs' of our time.
Furthermore, it seeks to raise political awareness of the key issues in architecture (the durability of buildings and the embellishment of cities).
But you can change all the rules, rewrite all the laws and convince property developers to invest all the money in the world in traditional architecture projects, but if you don't have well-trained architects and craftsmen, you will always be missing the essentials and the architecture produced won't be convincing. This is why La Table Ronde de l'Architecture is training the next generation of builders through its Summer Schools of Architecture and Crafts (in Bruges, Alsace and Conques). Here, students from all over the world discover the rigour of hand-drawing and the rules of composition, they exercise their eyes and their judgement on ancient architectural forms, and they learn about the stereotomy of wood and stone, ironwork, roofing and the main traditional building crafts. The aim of our teaching - both intellectual and practical - is to ensure that students become competent and free builders who are both curious and well-informed. This is the only way to reconnect with architecture that is beautiful, humane and enduring.
Since 2020, the T.R.A. is the representative of the Belgian chapter of the INTBAU network.
Since 2023, the T.R.A. is the organiser of the European Price of Architecture Philippe Rotthier.
Since 2024, the T.R.A. is one of the partners of the European project MindCrafts.
Support our missions - Make a donation to La Table Ronde de l'Architecture

Examine all things;
hold fast to what is good.
Thessalonians 5:21
Your support is essential to us.
In practice, it enables us to defend and teach beautiful, humane and
enduring architecture and the craftsmanship associated with it.
Donation by bank transfer
La Table Ronde de l'Architecture asbl
(non-profit association)
Triodos Bank: IBAN: BE18 5230 8128 5065
Communication: "donation for TRA - name"
Thank you for your trust!